Document Tutorial

This tutorial focuses on the creation, modification, and management of project documents within POLAR ICE. This includes SIPs, and other custom types of documents. Click on the tabs below to display information in the Description window or the Helpful Hints window.
Description Helpful Hints
SIP Creation

The Support Information Package (SIP) is the primary vehicle for requesting support for Antarctic-based projects funded by NSF. The creation of a SIP requires that your project be approved and funded by NSF. Once your project has been approved, you will be assigned a POC who will authorize your project for the creation of a SIP for the up and coming science season.

If you have been authorized to complete a SIP, your POC will create an empty SIP under your project. The completion of your SIP is a straight-forward process at this point.

Creating a new, empty SIP

Your POC will create a new, empty SIP, in your project list for your completion.

new sip creation image

Continuing through your document

  • Click "Continue" to save and validate each page within a section; this will also move you from page to page and section to section.
  • When the entire section is complete you can validate your section to ensure you've filled out all required questions.
Accessing your un-submitted document at a later time

You may work on your document over several days or weeks, depending on your availability and the amount of information you are able to answer regarding your project. Answers to some of the questions may require further thought or research on your part in order to provide the best possible answer.

To accommodate this scenario, you can resume the completion of your document by clicking the "Applicant" link next to the un-submitted document you wish to work on. Clicking the link will open the document in edit mode and you may browse to any area of the document and resume work.

document resume image

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SIP Creation


  • Project dates can be changed after initial creation of your SIP.
  • The project dates are used in validation to ensure you've requested support during the timeframe you've identified.
  • Changing your project dates after most of your document has been completed may invalidate date-specific entries. Validation will catch this, but you will be required to update your document to comply with the new project dates you defined.