Interface Tutorial

This tutorial focuses on the general layout and functionality of the POLAR ICE application. This includes high-level layout and document-level layouts for SIPs and other custom document types. Click on the tabs below to display information in the Description window or the Helpful Hints window.
Description Helpful Hints
Document Interface Layout

The layout and navigation of SIP documents within POLAR ICE are similar to the overall interface layout. To assist you in easily navigating your documents, the outline of the document layout follows.

document layout image
  • Common navigational elements are located in the "left-gutter". From this location you can see a list of links to perform various tasks which are granted to you within the document. Depending on the level of access you have been granted and what section you are viewing within a document, you may see options slightly different than those shown on the screen-shots throughout this page.
  • Tabbed Navigation allows you to quickly navigate between various "sections" of a document.
  • Primary content for each section of the document is located in the main content area.
Document Information Overview

Each POLAR ICE document contains header information outlining the document currently being viewed.

document header image

Section Navigation

Each POLAR ICE document type is comprised of "sections". Sections break the document up into managable pieces of common information and a series of questions specific to the section topic. For example, the Cargo section deals with cargo-specific questions. You will not find questions dealing with computers in the Cargo section.

You can easily navigate between sections by using the tabbed section navigation elements at the top of your document. In addition, each section is broken up into "sub-sectional" divisions which break down questions and information into a smaller sub-set of content. Sub-sectional navigation is listed in the left gutter and changes depending upon the parent section that is active.

Depending upon the SIP document type, the list of sections to view are different. This is even true between different SIPs as a SIP for McMurdo Station provides different support than a SIP for South Pole. Example: It doesn't make sense to have a South Pole SIP ask questions about diving since South Pole is land-locked and several hundred miles from the nearest open water. Therefore, the diving section will not appear for a South Pole-based SIP.

Tabbed Sectional Navigation:

section tab image

Sub-section Navigation:
sub-section navigation image
  • The active section or sub-section will be outlined in the sub-section navigation, as well as at the top of the section content window.

Section Content Window

The contents of the main window area to the right of the left-gutter and below the tabbed section list is the location where you will view information and answer questions necessary to complete your document.

content example image

*Note: All REQUIRED questions are notated by a red asterisk (*). Validation by clicking continue (see below), or by running section or document validation from the left-gutter will notify you of required items missing data.

required field example image

Saving Data

Saving data within your POLAR ICE document is an automatic process. Each mouse click which navigates you to another portion of the document initiates a save of the existing page.

You can navigate to any area of a document at anytime. It is considered best practice, however, to navigate through your document utilizing the "Continue" button located at the bottom of the content window.

continue button image

Clicking the "Continue" button will provide you with the following:

  • Provide validation to catch a majority of data entry errors, reducing the amount of document clean-up you may need to do prior to submitting your document
  • Take you through the recommended navigational path in the document
  • Since some areas of your document rely on answers you provided in other sections, clicking continue will take you on a navigational path which is most efficient to ensure you've provided the necessary data at appropriate times to reduce the amount of time you will spend on completing your document.
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    tutorial continue button

    Document Interface Layout


    • N/A

    SAVING Data

    • To save your data and continue viewing the current page, click the name of the section you are currently viewing in the left-gutter sub-section navigation. This will initiate a save and reload the current page with the newly saved data.